  • 项目信息
  • 服务承诺
一、主要内容: 根据模式识别原理,研究判别煤块和矸石区分的理论依据和计算方法;
1. 对煤块和矸石的灰度和纹理进行研究,特别是研究二者的灰度分布函数,以及在图像处理中的表示;
2. 依据光线照射下煤与矸石的反射光线和波长不一样的原理,研究将光等非电量信号转变为合适电信号的数据采集技术以及数据采集卡的研制;
3. 对转换后的电信号进行预处理的具体实现方法;
4. 研究煤块和矸石图像的边缘提取方法以及边界的跟踪与标记的具体实现方法;
5. 研究煤块和矸石的灰度直方图分布、均值和方差的不同特征,进行灰度分析和判别分类;
6. 计算机控制技术和自动化技术实现煤块和矸石在线识别的自动分选系统。
随着人类对居住环境的日益重视,大力发展高效率的洁净煤技术是煤炭工业走出困境的一种希望和必然结果.选煤是洁净煤技术的源头技术,是使原煤成为洁净煤的必不可缺的关键环节,发展煤炭分选加工业是目前提高煤炭质量的重要措施。商品煤质量的提高不但为煤矿企业带来了巨大的经济效益,也为社会的环境保护做出了巨大的贡献。 我国煤炭大部分处于缺水少水地区,特别是我省陕北地区,人畜饮水十分困难,煤炭存储量却十分丰富和巨大。因此,煤炭企业和地方人畜用水矛盾十分尖锐。而传统的选煤技术需要大量的水,不但加剧了工业用水和生活用水的矛盾,而且有可能造成河水污染。
目前,传统的选煤理论和技术面临着严峻的挑战。在国家不断重视煤炭质量和环境保护的今天,需要更好的煤矸石分选技术,为生产服务,以洁净的煤炭产品供应市场,为用户服务。 选煤生产的发展和进步,离不开科学技术,特别是高新技术。本课题将信息技术和传统的选煤技术结合起来,形成新的煤矸石分选技术。


For maintenance or web platform trading order, protect the legal rights of the technical demand (units), make the following commitment and declaration:

1I (unit) patent technology is approved by the state intellectual property office and obtained the patent certificate of this intellectual property, the information is true, the technology is reliable, and there is no intellectual property dispute.

2, I (unit) willing to according to the law of the People's Republic of China contract law ", "patent law of the People's Republic of China, the intellectual property rights of the People's Republic of China protects a law" and "promote the conversion of scientific and technological achievements of the People's Republic of China" and wowed net platform to develop the trading rules and the system of technology transfer of regulate transactions, consciously safeguard the order of the technology transfer network transactions.

3.If I (unit) in the process of the transformation of technology transfer has seriously violated the breach, to economic or property damage caused by platform and trade each other, I (the unit) are willing to bear the corresponding legal responsibility.





1, the assignor in commissioned services during the transfer, the first thing to read or member agreement and the technical commodity trading rules, second to understand relevant charge standard or network platform, which shall comply with the relevant rights and obligations.

2, the purchaser on or network platform, decided to buy a certain technology products before, need to pay a deposit in accordance with the relevant provisions to or net platform (complete intentional purchase), but the intellectual property ownership and when to be able to use the intellectual property rights, after the negotiation between the buyers and sellers can use, before that, it is recommended that you do not use or infringe others' intellectual property.

3, this website to upload on the home page of each section shows the sale of products shall be paid for the service principle, to plans to sell the patent technology of the product market price and the market prospects, or network will according to the ministry of finance of intangible assets evaluation of relevant standards and regulations to give an objective and fair evaluation, specific charge standard, please consult customer service staff.


一、买方确定购买意向→支付定金→签订意向性购买协议→买卖双方签订正式协议→买方付款 →办理技术转移交割手续→资金结算→交易完成→退还定金。


    According to trading rules or network technology between buyer and seller shall follow the principle of friendly, voluntary and paid, for this, please technology between buyer and seller shall follow the wowed the orderly sale network of trading process.

One, the buyer to determine the purchase intentions to pay the deposit, intentional purchase agreement to sign a formal agreement between the seller and the buyer, the buyer's payment to delivery technology transfer formalities, fund settlement - deal - return deposit.

Second, the seller submit information to upload valid documents to review platform, and platform signed the relevant agreement and credit margin agreements to pay credit deposit, platform release transfer information to determine the buyer, signed an agreement to transfer technology, funds and settlements - deal - the refund credit deposit





1, technology transferor please be sure to abide by the law of the People's Republic of China contract law ", "patent law of the People's Republic of China" and "intellectual property law of the People's Republic of China", "promote the conversion of scientific and technological achievements of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and regulations, the honest code of honor, are not allowed to fake or providing false information technology.

2 the purchaser prior to the decision to buy technology goods, technology, the first thing to understand the assignor or network related transaction process and technology of detailed information, in the process of buying to doubt the related technical information or unclear, please feel free to get in touch with technical information release unit.

3, or as a market-oriented operation of professional technology trading service platform, sponsored by the China technology market association, is the domestic authority of professional technology trading classified information network, professional, dedicated, authority, and the release technology transfer and technology at home and abroad demand project information, service, credit first, trade specification, please customers look or net official web site, please do not be deceived.



Membership in the service period to offline, transacting business with relatively by the parties to bear the legal consequences, economic or intellectual property rights disputes or generated by the network does not assume any legal liability.

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